光映科技成功舉辦 NEC EMIStream體驗模擬課程
Stella Technology Successfully Hosts NEC EMIStream Simulation Course[NEW]
2024年03月7日 星期四 March 7, 2024, Thursday
光映科技舉辦了一場引人注目的NEC EMIStream模擬課程,旨在協助業界專業人士掌握最新的科技工具及應用,開拓創新解決方案。該課程邀請了業內著名專家張老師擔任講師,為參與者帶來一場知識盛宴。
Stella Technology successfully hosted a remarkable NEC EMIStream simulation course, aimed at assisting industry professionals in mastering the latest technological tools and applications, and fostering innovative solutions. The course featured renowned industry expert Mr. Zhang as the instructor, providing participants with a knowledge-packed session.
NEC EMIStream是一款先進的電磁干擾模擬軟體,通過模擬和分析,幫助工程師在設計階段即可預測和解決電磁干擾問題,從而節省成本和時間。該軟體結合了NEC Corporation的領先技術和光映科技的專業服務,為客戶提供了一個全面的解決方案。
NEC EMIStream is an advanced electromagnetic interference simulation software that helps engineers predict and solve EMI issues during the design phase, thereby saving costs and time. This software combines NEC Corporation's leading technology with Stella Technology's professional services, offering customers a comprehensive solution.
NEC EMIStream與Altium Designer密切合作,為用戶提供了無縫的集成和流暢的工作流程。這使得工程師可以在Altium Designer環境中直接使用NEC EMIStream,從而更加高效地完成設計任務。
NEC EMIStream integrates seamlessly with Altium Designer, providing users with a smooth workflow. Engineers can directly utilize NEC EMIStream within the Altium Designer environment, enhancing efficiency in design tasks.
Throughout the course, it was evident that many customers often encounter electromagnetic interference and compatibility issues during the design process, leading to increased design complexity and potential performance and reliability issues in products. Customers engaged in deep discussions and interactions with Mr. Zhang, exploring various aspects of electromagnetic interference simulation. Mr. Zhang's extensive practical experience and expertise greatly benefited the participants.
We extend our special thanks to consultant Mr. Zhang Yi-He for his collaboration and support, which significantly contributed to the success of this course. His in-depth explanations and professional knowledge enriched the entire course content, providing immense value to the participants.
為了解決這些問題,光映科技提供了NEC EMIStream模擬軟體,該軟體可以幫助客戶在設計階段即可預測和解決電磁干擾問題,從而節省寶貴的時間和成本。與其他軟體相比,NEC EMIStream具有更加準確和高效的模擬能力,並且與Altium Designer等常用工具實現了無縫集成,為客戶提供了更加便捷和完善的解決方案。
To address these challenges, Stella Technology provides the NEC EMIStream simulation software, enabling customers to predict and solve electromagnetic interference issues during the design phase, thus saving valuable time and costs. Compared to other software, NEC EMIStream offers more accurate and efficient simulation capabilities and seamlessly integrates with commonly used tools like Altium Designer, providing customers with a more convenient and comprehensive solution.
通過本次課程,參與者對NEC EMIStream的功能和應用有了更深入的了解,同時對光映科技的技術實力和專業服務有了更加充分的認識。我們期待通過這樣的活動,進一步擴大與客戶的合作,共同推動科技創新,實現共贏。
Through this course, participants gained deeper insights into the functionality and applications of NEC EMIStream, as well as a better understanding of Stella Technology's technical prowess and professional services. We look forward to expanding our collaboration with customers through such activities, jointly driving technological innovation and achieving mutual success.
想了解更多TRM訊息嗎? 馬上聯繫產品業務 張先生(02)8772-8829#5319
For further information, please contact: Ms. Chang 02)8772-8829#5319
光映科技成功舉辦 Thermal Risk Management in Electronics
2024年01月18日 星期四 January 18, 2024, Thursday
光映科技成功舉辦了一場引領性的體驗模擬課程,主題為「Thermal Risk Management in Electronics」。活動吸引了來自業界的19位專業人士,共同參與這場充實而實用的學習體驗。
Stella Technology has achieved success in organizing a pioneering simulation course focusing on "Thermal Risk Management in Electronics." The event attracted 19 professionals from the industry who actively participated in this enriching and practical learning experience.
這場模擬課程的亮點不勝枚舉,其中包括了業界專家顧問張義和老師主持的特別演講,以及對Altium Designer軟體實用技巧到TRM軟體的實際操作的深度探討。參與者在課程中獲得了寶貴的學習成果,特別是在應對電子熱風險管理方面。
The highlights of this simulation course were numerous, featuring a special lecture by industry expert Consultant Mr. Zhang Yi-He and in-depth discussions on practical operations involving Altium Designer software and Thermal Risk Management (TRM) software. Participants gained valuable insights during the course, particularly in addressing thermal risk management in electronic products.
參與者紛紛表示,這場模擬課程讓他們深入了解了熱管理的重要性,並學到了實用的技能和解決方案。一位參與者表示:“張老師的演講非常生動有趣,讓我對電子熱風險管理有了更深刻的認識。” 另一位參與者強調了Altium Designer軟體與TRM搭配的實用性,認為這將對他們的日常工作帶來極大的幫助。
Participants expressed their appreciation for gaining in-depth understanding of the importance of thermal management and acquiring practical skills and solutions. One participant mentioned, "Mr. Zhang's lecture was lively and interesting, providing me with a deeper understanding of thermal risk management in electronics." Another participant emphasized the practicality of Altium Designer software and its compatibility with TRM, foreseeing significant assistance in their day-to-day work.
We extend our sincere thanks to Consultant Mr. Zhang Yi-He for his collaboration and support. His in-depth explanations and professional knowledge enriched the entire course, providing participants with substantial benefits.
由於TRM不僅僅只能搭配Altium Designer使用,因此後續我們的體驗活動,也會安排不同的PCB LAYOUT軟體(如Cadence Allegro, Siemens EDA PADs, Other...)來搭配使用TRM。這將為參與者提供更多元的學習機會,擴展他們在電子產品設計領域的技能與視野。期待藉由這樣的多樣性,參與者能夠更全面地應對未來的挑戰。
As TRM is not exclusively limited to integration with Altium Designer, our upcoming experiential activities will incorporate various PCB LAYOUT software options, including Cadence Allegro, Siemens EDA PADs, and others. This initiative aims to provide participants with a more diverse learning experience, expanding their skills and perspectives in the field of electronic product design. We anticipate that this diversity will empower participants to address future challenges comprehensively.
The event achieved remarkable success, with participants not only enhancing their skills but also fostering collaboration and understanding through practical applications. We look forward to witnessing participants successfully tackle various challenges in electronic product design in their future work.
The overall success of the event not only solidifies Stella Technology's leading position in the field of electronic technology but also opens doors for future similar events. This experience simulation course proved beneficial for participants, providing a platform for shared learning and exchange within the industry. We anticipate organizing more events in the future, collectively driving technological advancements.
想了解更多TRM訊息嗎? 馬上聯繫產品業務 張先生(02)8772-8829#5319
For further information, please contact: Ms. Chang 02)8772-8829#5319
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